First degree vs Second degree vs Third degree AV Block
Name this Blocks
A. First degree AVB is present in this rhythm strip. Every P wave is conducted, but with prolonged PR interval (~320ms).
B. Second degree AVB type 1 (Mobitz I) is present in this rhythm strip. We can see progressive prolongation of the PR interval culminating in a non-conducted P wave (3d and 7d P wave are non-conducted).
C. Second degree AVB type 2:1 is present in this rhythm strip. We can see that there are 2P waves for every QRS complex. We don’t have two P wave conducted in a row so can’t conclude if PR interval is prolonged (Mobitz I) or constant (Mobitz II).
D. High degree AVB (3:1) is present in this rhythm strip. We can see that just every 3d P wave is conducted (with constant PR interval) and two out of every three P wave are blocked.
E. High degree AVB (4:1) is present in this rhythm strip. We can see that just every 4d P wave is conducted (with constant PR interval) and three out of every four wave are blocked.
F. Third degree AVB is present in this rhythm strip. There is no association between P and QRS. No P wave is conducted, all of them all blocked. PR interval is variable (not constant).

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